Automating Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration with Windows PowerShell 2.0 (Paperback)
CBAP/CCBA : Certified Business Analysis Study Guide (Paperback)
CMS Security Handbook: The Comprehensive Guide for WordPress Joomla! Drupal and Plone (Paperback)
Events Exposed: Managing and Designing Special Events (Hardcover)
Finding #1 Stocks: Screening Backtesting and Time-Proven Strategies (Hardcover)
Managing to the New Regulatory Reality : Doing Business Under the Dodd-Frank Act (Hardcover)
The Shipping Point : The Rise of China and the Future of Retail Supply Chain Management (Hardcover)
A Companion to Satire: Ancient and Modern (Paperback)
Mastering Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation 2010 (Paperback)